
The radium crate provides a unifying model for shared-mutability over the primitives. It does not handle more complex shared-mutability topics such as mutices or locks: if you need to manage large structured data, you will need to look elsewhere.

Radium Trait

This trait allows your code to generically accept either an atomic type or a Cell and interact with it through a unified API. It is implemented by all of the standard library atomics, Cell<{bool,{i,u}{8,16,32,64,128,size},*mut T}>, and the type families that Radium provides (described below).

The primitive type that a Radium implementor encloses is indicated by the Radium::Item associated type. You can use this as a constraint in your trait bounds (i.e. <R: Radium<Item = i32>>) in order to gain direct access to the primitive, or you can require that R::Item implement other traits and interact with it through them.

Type Aliases

Radium provides type aliases for each primitive which could be atomic in the standard library. The Radium{Bool,{I,U}{8,16,32,64,128,size},Ptr} symbols all forward to their corresponding AtomicType when that symbol exists, or to Cell<Type> when it does not.

Since these are type aliases rather than newtypes, you can globally replace the AtomicT symbols with their RadiumT equivalent without any other changes to your codebase.

Type Families

Radium provides three type families which accept fundamentals as type parameters. These families have no inherent API, and only implement Radium, Debug, Default, and From<T>. They may or may not have a Sync implementation, depending on whether they have atomic behavior.

  1. The Atom<T> family corresponds to (and wraps) the standard library’s core::sync::atomic::* types. This family only accepts T parameters where an equivalent AtomicT symbol exists for the target; this means that on targets which do not have, for instance, AtomicU64, Atom<u64> will fail to compile. These are always Sync.

    Atom requires that type arguments implement radium::marker::Atomic.

  2. The Isotope<T> family functions similarly to Atom<T>, except that it wraps Radium’s RadiumT type aliases. As such, Isotope is portable across targets with different atomic supports, and will never fail to compile; however, it will silently degrade from atomic to Cell behavior (including loss of Sync) when the requisite atomic types are missing.

    Isotope requires that type arguments implement radium::marker::Nuclear.

  3. The Radon<T> family is a wrapper over Cell<T>. Like Isotope, it requires that type arguments implement radium::marker::Nuclear. It is never Sync.


This contrived example is taken from radium/examples/schroedinger.rs. It shows how the Radium trait can be used by a worker function to manipulate data, and how the different types can be used to work in sequence or in parallel.

Note: Radium’s MSRV is 1.60, while the scoped-threads API used here stabilized in 1.63.

use radium::{Radium, types::{RadiumU64, Atom, Isotope, Radon}};
use std::{
  sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},

fn do_work<R: Radium<Item = u64>>(this: &R, ident: u8) {
  let on_entry = this.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
  println!("{: >2} step 0 sees: {: >2}", ident, on_entry);

  let before_add = this.fetch_add(10, Ordering::SeqCst);
  println!("{: >2} step 1 sees: {: >2}", ident, before_add);

  let after_add = this.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
  println!("{: >2} step 2 sees: {: >2}", ident, after_add);


  let before_sub = this.fetch_sub(3, Ordering::SeqCst);
  println!("{: >2} step 3 sees: {: >2}", ident, before_sub);

  let on_exit = this.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
  println!("{: >2} step 4 sees: {: >2}", ident, on_exit);

static ATOM: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
static RADIUM: RadiumU64 = RadiumU64::new(0);

fn main() {
  let cell = Cell::new(0u64);

  let atom = Atom::new(0u64);
  let isotope = Isotope::new(0u64);
  let radon = Radon::new(0u64);

  thread::scope(|s| for ident in 0 .. 3 {
    s.spawn(move || do_work(&ATOM, ident));
  thread::scope(|s| for ident in 3 .. 6 {
    let atom = &atom;
    s.spawn(move || do_work(atom, ident));

  thread::scope(|s| for ident in 6 .. 9 {
    s.spawn(move || do_work(&RADIUM, ident));
  for ident in 9 .. 12 {
    do_work(&isotope, ident);

  for ident in 12 .. 15 {
    do_work(&cell, ident);
  for ident in 15 .. 18 {
    do_work(&radon, ident);