
While BitSlice describes a region of borrowed data, BitArray provides a container that can hold and manage such a region.

It is most comparable to the C++ type std::bitset<N>. Unfortunately, the Rust support for type-level integers is still experimental, so it is unable to take the length of the BitSlice it contains as a type parameter. Instead, it must take the entire region it contains as a type parameter. The full type declaration is

use bitvec::prelude::*;
pub struct BitArray<
  A: BitViewSized,
  O: BitOrder,
> {
  _ord: PhantomData<O>,
  data: A,

As described in the previous chapter, the BitView trait is implemented on the unsigned integers, and on arrays of them. Currently, array support is limited to arrays up to and including 32 elements long; as Rust type-level integers mature, this will grow to include all arrays.

Once type-level computation stabilizes, BitArray will change to have the type parameters <T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, const N: usize>, matching the std::bitset<N> length parameter.

This array dereferences to a BitSlice region over its entire length. It does not currently permit shortening its BitSlice from either end. If this is a behavior you want, please file an issue.

Using a BitArray

The ::ZERO constant is a blank BitArray with its memory completely zeroed. The ::new() function wraps an existing element or array into a BitArray. In addition, the macro constructor bitarr! takes the exact same arguments as the bits! constructor, except that it returns an array directly rather than a reference to a buffer.

Furthermore, BitArray structures and references can be constructed from &BitSlice references using the TryFrom trait, just as arrays can be constructed in the standard library.

Once constructed, BitArray offers the .as_bitslice() and .as_mut_bitslice() explicit methods, as well as all the standard traits, to borrow its data as a BitSlice. The array has almost no functionality of its own, and serves only to own a region used as a BitSlice.

Once you are done using BitSlice to manipulate the array, you can remove the array with .into_inner() and regain the A memory within.

That’s everything that the array does! Like regular arrays, it is useful primarily for its ability to move memory through a program, and has essentially no behavior in its own right. It is useful for programs that do not have access to a dynamic allocator, and do not wish to use static buffers. However, if you do have access to an allocator, you will probably prefer to use BitVec instead.