Bit Ordering

  1. Provided Orderings
    1. Lsb0
    2. Msb0
    3. LocalBits
    4. Default Ordering Parameter
  2. Implementing BitOrder
    1. Support Types

bitvec expects user code to count semantic indices, and hides the actual position of a bit within a memory element from users. This allows user code to treat indices as a uniform domain of integers in 0 ..= !0 >> 3, and not have to remember whether place - 1 means moving “forward” or “backward” in the buffer.

Internally, each *BitSlice pointer contains an element address and a bit index. The pointer uses its BitOrder type parameter to translate the bit index into a one-hot selector mask that drives actual memory access.

BitOrder is open to user implementation, and implementations of it are trusted to be sound in the bitvec memory model. For this reason, the trait is unsafe to implement. Most users will not implement it; almost all users want one of the two monotonic orderings provided for you. However, some specialized users may have an ordering of their own, and they are still able to encode that ordering away from their index logic.

Provided Orderings

bitvec provides two orderings: Lsb0 and Msb0. These each refer to which numeric bit in a register element is considered to be the zero-index.

You can think of these as corresponding to the little-endian and big-endian processor byte orderings if you like, as long as you remember that your choice of bit-ordering is not at all related to the byte-ordering of your target processor.


The Lsb0 type sets the zero index at the least significant bit of a register (numeric value 1) and each successive index selects the next more significant bit in the register, until the most significant bit is at the final index.

It is the expression mask = 1 << index;.


The Msb0 type sets the zero index at the most significant bit of a register (numeric value 2n-1 for an n-bit register) and each successive index selects the next less significant bit in the register, until the least significant bit is at the final index.

It is the expression mask = (iN::MIN as uN) >> index;.


The type alias LocalBits refers to the ordering that your target’s C compiler will likely choose for its bitfield direction. This is Lsb0 on little-endian byte-ordered processors, and Msb0 on big-endian byte-ordered processors. Remember that the BitOrder implementations and processor byte orderings have no relation to each other! This is only a custom, not a requirement of the processor architecture.

Default Ordering Parameter

Lsb0 is the default type parameter used by the sequence types, as it produces selection masks using the starting value 1, which encodes to smaller instructions than the Msb0 starting value.

On AMD64, the pairs <u64, Lsb0> and <u64, Msb0> produce the following object code and disassembly:

ba 01 00 00 00  movl $1, %edx
48 d3 e2        shlq %cl, %rdx

48 ba 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80  movabsq $-9223372036854775808, %rdx
48 d3 ea                       shrq    %cl, %rdx

The Msb0 load requires an additional four bytes of zeros in its immediate, and the 64-bit modifier prefix (0x48), in order to encode movabsq instead of movl

Implementing BitOrder

As stated above, this is an unsafe trait because bitvec relies on its implementations to uphold certain mathematical invariants. Failure will result in memory unsafety and/or program crashes.

BitOrder has three functions: at, select, and mask. Implementors are required to provide at; select and mask have default implementations that rely on it. These functions are all generic over the BitMemory trait; this trait describes the register types (unsigned integers) that can be used by bitvec. It provides some useful associated constants, and is otherwise uninteresting.

  • ::at() receives the semantic index of a bit within a register type, and must produce the concrete position corresponding to the semantic index. The input and output are both integers in the domain [0, W) where W is the bit-width of the register type being indexed.

    at must implement an exactly one-to-one mapping from all inputs to all outputs in the [0, W) domain. This mapping must never observably change. These are strict requirements of the library, and failing to uphold either will break your program.

  • ::select() receives the semantic index of a bit within a register type, and must produce a value of that register type with exactly one bit set. The produced value is a mask that selects only the bit specified by the provided index, and will be used in Boolean arithmetic to manipulate memory.

    The default implementation is 1 << at(index). You are required to maintain this behavior in your override.

  • ::mask() receives an inclusive start index and an exclusive end index, and must produce a register value that selects every bit in the indexed range.

    The default implementation is (start .. end).map(select).sum(). You are required to maintain this behavior in your override.

Support Types

The BitOrder trait APIs use supporting types to enforce requirements on the bare numbers being passed through it. These types are documented in the index module. They all provide a .value() method that removes the wrapper and yields the inner number, and a ::new() constructor that ensures that values to be wrapped uphold the type’s requirements.

  • at and select receive a BitIdx<M> argument. This is a wrapper over u8 that ensures that the contained value is in the domain 0 .. M::BITS. It serves to indicate that a number is a semantic counter, not an electrical position.
  • at returns a BitPos<M> value. This has the same behavior and restrictions as BitIdx<M>, and indicates that the number is an electrical position within a register.
  • select returns a BitSel<M> value. This wraps an M register value, and ensures that the contained number is a power of two – exactly one bit is set, and all others are zero. This type indicates that the mask is guaranteed to select exactly one bit in a register.
  • mask receives an inclusive BitIdx<M> and an exclusive BitEnd<M> argument, and returns a BitMask<M> value. BitEnd<M> ensures that the contained number is in the domain 0 ..= M::BITS, including the final count, and marks a one-past-the-end exclusive boundary. BitMask<M> marks that the contained number may select any number of bits in a register.

New implementors of BitOrder will use these types to satisfy behavior requirements individually.

In addition, implementors’ test suites should call the function order::verify_for_type::<O, M>() to check that an implementation O satisfies the behavior requirements for a particular register type M, or call order::verify::<O>() to check that an implementation satisfies the behavior requirements for all supported register types. These functions are conditional upon cfg(test), and accept a verbose: bool parameter that allows the test functions to print diagnostics to stdout during evaluation.

If the verification functions panic, your implementation is incorrect, and cannot be safely used in bitvec.